Longcross, Chertsey, Surrey
Longcross is one of the Government’s fourteen newly designated Garden Village sites, delivering up to 1,500 new homes.
The development has been split into two separate planning applications, Longcross North and Longcross South. Longcross North will deliver 200 new homes, Suitable Alternative Natural Greenspace (SANG) and open space. Longcross South will deliver up to a further 1,300 new homes, set around a newly created village centre.
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The MW Approach
For the hybrid planning application MW worked closely with the design team to develop the masterplan, our services included landscape design and masterplanning, SANG strategy and detail design as well as providing a Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment.
Murdoch Wickham have worked with the design team since 2001, developing the masterplan, Landscape & Visual Impact Assessment, SANG Strategy and more recently the detailed hard and soft landscape design for phase 1 of the Longcross North development.
The MW Vision

The overall landscape strategy for Longcross was to create a site wide network of accessible greenspace, providing a natural framework for the development to sit within. The existing landscape assets, including the woodlands and watercourse have dictated the shape and character of the proposed landscape, with large areas of semi-natural open space surrounding the proposed development.
The site’s close proximity to the Chobham Common Special Protection Area (SPA), has led to the North and South applications providing a series of SANG spaces, specially designed to provide attractive and natural settings for dog walking.

The MW Touch
Landscaping has been one of the main drivers for the masterplan development at Longcross. The Longcross North Phase 1 entrance has been no exception, where a feature swale designed to collect and store the surface run-off from the road has been installed and planted to provide biodiversity enhancements and an attractive arrival space.