Oval Village, Vauxhall

Live life at the heart of Central London. This fantastic site features a wonderful landscape that responds sensitively to its surroundings and builds upon a rich history.

At Oval Village we have created a unique and elegant landscape that is both steeped in history and contemporary, which places it perfectly for 21st century living.

The MW Approach

MW’s Landscape Masterplan for Oval Village

The Phoenix Gas Light & Coke Company acquired the site in 1845 and the iron gasholder erected in 1877 was at the time the largest gasholder in the world. This structure, Gasholder 1, is also the iconic backdrop to the adjacent Oval Cricket Ground.

The MW Vision

The proposed landscape at Oval Village seeks to unlock the previously secure site reintroducing strong connectivity to the local neighbourhood.

The streetscape adopts a strong cruciform arrangement of north south and east west movement corridors. The confluences of these routes are celebrated with two major nodal points. The Central Piazza space and the southern green Phoenix Circus.

The MW Touch

The Central Piazza at Oval Village

At the centre of the development a feature central piazza featuring remnants of one of the old gas holders animated with a large waterfall and a series of lattice screens planted with climbing roses.

Feature Landscape Design Elevation & Section

Phoenix Circus at Oval Village

Phoenix Circus is linked to the Central Piazza by a longitudinal green corridor and moving water rill which beginns at the water cascade and discharges into a pool in the within the circus. A sculptural phoenix rising out of the pool links back to the site’s historic roots.

Also transecting in an east west direction are two well landscaped streets with a strong pedestrian priority character. The site is also haloed with a high quality streetscape connecting it to the wider context.

Project Details


Urban Regeneration


Berkeley Group


2016 – Ongoing

Murdoch Wickham strives to create successful spaces for communities to use and enjoy.

Our vast range of experience and passion for design excellence allows us to enhance the environment, both sustainably and for the community.
Murdoch Wickham, The Tithe Barn, Bradbourne House, East Malling, Kent, ME19 6DZ
© 2025 Murdoch Wickham